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Hackers targeted vaccine 'cold supply' chain network

This development illustratres once again how there is an immediacy to cyber threats that requires diligence and awareness beyond even that previously documented. At all levels, it is vital that corporations, governments and even individuals invest in the empowerment and protection afforded by familiarising and normalising cyber security to become second nature.

IBM says the attacks could lead to the "stealing and selling [of] vaccine shipping containers in black markets across the globe".

A cyber espionage campaign targeted at companies vital to the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines has been detected. According to an alert issued by the US government and a research blog published by IBM, the hacking campaign started in September.

It targeted a range of organisations, including in government and across the energy and IT sectors, that are associated with the COVID-19 'cold supply' chain.

Read the full article from Alexander Martin at Sky News here:

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